“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

አሻራዬ መነቃቂያ ገፅ

“Be the change you want to see in the world.”

አሻራዬ መነቃቂያ ገፅ

My Psychotherapy experience

My Psychotherapy experience

It has been almost six months since I made my first appointment with a therapist. It was terrifying. The stigma around it made me nervous about the whole thing. Months after, I can proudly tell you that it was one of the best decisions I made in my life. I am opening...
“You, who think to offer your intelligence, reconsider.”- Rumi

“You, who think to offer your intelligence, reconsider.”- Rumi

Queen Sheba loads forty mules with gold bricks As gift for Solomon ….. What foolishness is to take gold? To Solomon, when the dirt of his land is gold. You who think to offer your intelligence, reconsider.”- Rumi የምትሰጡትን ነገር ልብ በሉ (ትርጉም) ያቺ ንግሥት ሳባ፤ ጠቢቡን ሰለሞን...
ከባነንክ…ወደ መኝታ አትመለስ

ከባነንክ…ወደ መኝታ አትመለስ

እንደኔ ከሆናችሁ ሌሊት እንደ መንቃት የሚያናድደኝ ነገር የለም። ከተኛሁኝ ድብን ብዬ ሲነጋ መንቃት እንጂ፤ ሌሊት መባነን ደስ አይለኝም። ድንገት ከባነንኩኝና እንቅልፍ መልሶ ካልወሰደኝ እጨነቃለሁ።  እርግጠኛ ነኝ እንዲህ የሚሰማኝ እኔ ብቻ አይደለሁም። ሁላችንም ድንገት በሌሊት ከባንን ወዲያው ተመልሰን ለመተኛት እንታገላለን። በተለይ ከመንጋቱ ትንሽ ቀደም ብሎ የሆነ ነገር ካባነነን፤ ተመስን እንድንተኛ የሚጎተውተን ስሜት...